Becoming A More Beautiful Version of Yourself

Becoming A More Beautiful Version of Yourself

Breast Lift Preparation And Recovery Tips

Leo Niva

A breast lift enhances your appearance by raising and tightening your breast tissue. Also known as a mastopexy procedure, a breast lift is often performed on women who have lost skin elasticity as a result of pregnancy, fluctuations in weight, the normal aging process, or breastfeeding. Here are some things to do prior to your mastopexy procedure and some tips to help ensure that your recovery is quick and problem-free.

Prior To Your Lift

A couple of weeks prior to your lift surgery, your doctor will tell you to stop taking ibuprofen, aspirin, and dietary supplements such as garlic and omega-3 fatty acids because they can increase your risk for bleeding.

You should also try to quit smoking during this time because smoking can damage your capillaries, impair circulation, raise your risk for a post-operative infection, and increase your risk for anesthesia-related pneumonia. Also, prior to your surgery day, you'll need to find someone to drive you home following your procedure. You will be unable to drive because your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia.

Finally, you will need to see your surgeon for your preoperative appointment, and you may need to have blood tests, an electrocardiogram, a chest x-ray, and a mammogram. In addition, your surgeon will remind you to avoid eating or drinking after midnight the day before your surgery. This is to help ensure that you do not aspirate food or liquid while under general anesthesia.

After Your Lift

After your surgery, follow your cosmetic surgeon's postoperative instructions such as taking your pain medications and antibiotics. You will also need to wear your compression bra until your doctor says that it is no longer necessary to do so.

Bathing and showering should also be avoided until your surgeon clears you to get your incisions wet. In addition, avoid sleeping on your side for at least a month to avoid damaging your incision, and avoid strenuous activity until you are completely healed. While you are recovering from your surgery, sleep with a couple of pillows supporting your head and neck. This will help minimize swelling and reduce any post-operative discomfort.

If you want more information about how a breast lift procedure can enhance your appearance, make an appointment with a cosmetic or plastic surgeon for a consultation. He or she will explain how the procedure is performed and what type of results you can expect after you have healed. 


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Becoming A More Beautiful Version of Yourself

You might love that pixie haircut or those daring eyes, but how do you feel about the shape of your nose? If you have physical features that you have never been a fan of, you don't have to let them dictate how you feel about yourself. Instead of struggling with your appearance, take the time to think about changing a few things with the help of cosmetic surgery. By working with a skilled doctor, you might be able to take your look to a new dimension--without spending more than you need to. This blog is dedicated to helping you to become a more beautiful version of yourself, so that you can stay confident.
